
Top 10 tips for entertaining your child in COVID-19 lockdown….

29 May 2020

  • Blog

COVID-19 has been a struggle for many but for parents, it’s been even more challenging. Keeping your children entertained indoors while the sun’s out is becoming increasingly difficult. Louise from UK Youth Voice is a young mum of a toddler.

‘ I figured I would try and help others out with some helpful tips’

Louise, 23

1. Here are her top tips: REMEMBER, it’s nice to have a routine, but don’t force them to have a strict routine every day. This can often cause them to get bored easily.

2. Try to make every day different. Having the same things every day is nice, but try alternating activities. Help them experience something they’ve never done before (I.e. painting, baking, etc.)

3. Remember to laugh! Try to take time out of your day to make them laugh, cause they’re not going to remember that time when mum and dad were stressed all the time. They’re going to remember when mum and dad we’re home all the time and took the time to play.

4.  You don’t have to buy all the expensive toys for them to play with. Toddlers are often happy with a cardboard box and their imagination. Also, try letting them in the garden or take them for a short local walk, let them see the bees on the flowers and the birds in the trees.

5. Try making a blanket den or a pillow fort. Again, they’ll use their imaginations to pretend it’s a pirate ship or an igloo at the north pole.

6. Have a pyjama day. As said before, the routine is nice. Sometimes it’s nice to stay in your comfies and just watch films all day.

7. Have a messy day! Get sand, water, paints, playdough, etc, and let them have fun with it. As said before, let them learn and experience new things. (Just make sure to protect anything you DON’T want messy!)

 8. LOTS OF CUDDLES! At this time, they’ll probably need a little more reassurance than normal. They’ll be just as worried as you about everything.

9. Always remember, imagination is key! Let them think the floor is lava. Or that the wardrobe leads to Narnia. It’ll make the days go by a little quicker.

10. Get them involved in YOUR daily routine. It will make them feel like they’re being useful and helpful! And who knows, they might even enjoy it!

Love from Lousie

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